Sunday, June 30, 2024

Her Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson

Her Part to PlayHer Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was sent a copy of this book from a publisher/publicity team/giveaway. My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review.

I am a huge fan of celebrity romances and was very excited for this one. I think the author did a great job on her debut.

I really enjoyed the enemies to lover and the pacing around the romance on this one. It was not insta-love which I loved since that is an instant deal breaker for me in my romance reads. I like we get to establish our characters before instantly being thrown into a romance.

This was a little slower at times and I did skim a few sections. However; I still enjoyed the overall feel and themes around this story. I look forward to seeing what this author brings us next!

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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Look What You Made Me Do by Elaine Murphy

Look What You Made Me DoLook What You Made Me Do by Elaine Murphy
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This one started off super strong, but sadly it was just not for me. I wanted to DNF a few times, but just was waiting for something to grab my attention back into the story. It was a little to slow at times and I was just not a fan.

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering

Bye, BabyBye, Baby by Carola Lovering
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

2.5 Stars

Triggers for child sexual assault, Alzheimer's, mental health, and more.

This started off pretty strong, but then slows down. It is told in different parts and was way longer than it needed to be. I almost DNF several times, but something in the story kept me going.

I would not say this is a mystery/thriller. This is more fiction to me.

Overall, this was just ok but was not what I was expecting.

I was provided an early copy to the audiobook for review.   

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Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Teacher by Freida McFadden

The TeacherThe Teacher by Freida McFadden
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

Triggers for child grooming. This book gave me My Dark Vanessa vibes. I do not really get thriller/mystery with this one.

This is one that is not going to be for everyone. It was over the top at times as well as has more plot holes than I normally find with her stories. The final twist was not something I saw coming though.

Again, do I recommend this? Maybe? I still enjoyed the fast paced story regardless.

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Friday, February 9, 2024

The Surrogate Mother by Freida McFadden

The Surrogate MotherThe Surrogate Mother by Freida McFadden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

What do you do when you are in a slump and cannot seem to get into anything? Pick up something from my go to author!

Triggers for mental health and infertility.

This was fast paced and brought out several different emotions for me. I was getting upset for our main character the more things started to happen. Was some of this predictable? Yes! But did I still enjoy it? Yes.

Overall, still helped me get out of my slump!

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Sunday, February 4, 2024

Finding Felicity by Stacey Kade

Finding FelicityFinding Felicity by Stacey Kade
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This has been on my TBR for years. I was excited to finally grab the audio on Libby. I was a huge Felicity fan when I was younger and actually re-watched the whole show again a few years ago.

If you love Felicity, I think you will enjoy this for that aspect alone. It is a little fan fiction with a new story thrown in. It was super cute, but was not anything that blew me away.

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Saturday, January 27, 2024

Lies She Told by Cate Holahan

Lies She ToldLies She Told by Cate Holahan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There was something about the story that just pulled me in. Both parts had you guessing and questioning what was going to happen. Even though there were no surprising twists, it still kept my interest. It did get a little slower in the middle, but overall was a great read.

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Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Exception to the Rule by Christina Lauren

The Exception to the Rule (The Improbable Meet-Cute, #1)The Exception to the Rule by Christina Lauren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am excited for all of the books in this new standalone series by so many amazing authors. I got November 9 vibes since it is yearly on Valentines Day and starts following the characters in high school.

This one read a little more young adult for me; however; the reveal was so adorable and made me smile and squeal. This is another one I wish was a full length novel.

So far, loving all of these.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Royal Valentine by Sariah Wilson

Royal Valentine (The Improbable Meet-Cute)Royal Valentine by Sariah Wilson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“This was what I’d been waiting for. A man willing to fight for me, to stand by my side, to accept all of me.”

I am excited for all of the books in this new standalone series by so many amazing authors. I have been on a Sariah Wilson kick this month, so this was perfect timing.

If you like royal romances, you may love this one. I thought it was super cute. I cringed at the insta-love, but expect that during a novella.

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Worst Wingman Ever by Abby Jimenez

Worst Wingman Ever (The Improbable Meet-Cute)Worst Wingman Ever by Abby Jimenez
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am excited for all of the books in this new stand alone series by so many amazing authors. I, of course, had to start with Abby Jimenez!

This does deal with the loss of a loved one as well as mentions domestic violence. It was more about living your life than a romance for me, but I loved it. I would have loved to see this one as a full length novel.

On to the next…

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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Cinder-Nanny by Sariah Wilson

Cinder-NannyCinder-Nanny by Sariah Wilson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

“Are you flirting with me to get out of trouble?” I asked. “Bunny, I’m flirting with you to get into trouble.”

I read my first Sariah Wilson book this month and loved it so much I decided to check out more of her books. This one was just as cute.

Triggers for a sick loved one and family issues.

I really loved the family aspect within this one. I actually teared up when all the nanny stuff was wrapping up. Overall, it was a great light hearted read.

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Brain Damage by Freida McFadden

Brain DamageBrain Damage by Freida McFadden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Freida McFadden is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I am working on her back work, and was not sure how the older works would be. However; this was just as good and engaging as I would expect from her reads.

Her books just move so quickly with no dragging. You think you know for sure what happens, but this makes you want to keep reading to make sure you are right! This one did not have any major twist, but still was a great read overall.

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Friday, January 19, 2024

The Five-Year Hitch by Melissa de la Cruz

The Five-Year HitchThe Five-Year Hitch by Melissa de la Cruz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

I love these short stories When I am struggling to get into anything else. This one was cute and I loved the dual narration. It brings conversations alive.

This does deal with cheating, so be mindful of that if that is a trigger for you.

Otherwise, quick and cute.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

How to Fake It in Hollywood by Ava Wilder

How to Fake It in HollywoodHow to Fake It in Hollywood by Ava Wilder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

I do not remember who recommended this one to me, but I am glad I picked it up.

I do wish we would have seen a little more chemistry and banter between the characters when everything first started. I feel it jumped right into feelings developing between the two.

This was super cute though. It brought some sweet moments while also telling a story around grief and loss.

Overall, a decent read.

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Monday, January 15, 2024

The Daydreams by Laura Hankin

The DaydreamsThe Daydreams by Laura Hankin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

2.5 Stars

I really thought I was going to love this, but it ended up just being ok for me. I almost DNF this, but it was a very quick read so I pushed through.

This flashes back from when the characters were teens/young adults on the show to the future when they are working on a reunion. It still read very young adult to me for the most part. Even the conflict ended up being a more young adult.

Overall, this one was just ok.

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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Double Take by Lynette Eason

Double Take (Lake City Heroes, #1)Double Take by Lynette Eason

I was sent a copy of this book from the publisher. It did not effect my thoughts around the book or my review.

This has everything I would normally love in a story. I loved the beginning chapters when we were learning about out main characters and the situations they were in. However; I just could not get into the story from there or the road it was moving towards once they reunite. I had a hard time picking this up and ended up DNFing this one.

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Friday, January 12, 2024

Keeping 13 by Chloe Walsh

Keeping 13 (Boys of Tommen, #2)Keeping 13 by Chloe Walsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This series is a little confusing when trying to pick up in the series. I tried Part 2 and was lost. I DNF since I was so confused. I randomly decided to pick up Keeping 13 and it starts off right where I left off from Book one.

Triggers for severe domestic and family violence. This one starts off very strong and fast paced. It brought a lot of emotions as well. This does a great job showing the fear within a family when dealing with domestic violence as well.

The middle did get a little slow at times and the second half did read a little more young adult for me.

Overall, I enjoyed this and cannot wait to see what happens next!

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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Chemistry of Love by Sariah Wilson

The Chemistry of LoveThe Chemistry of Love by Sariah Wilson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

This was so much fun and a great fake dating romance. I loved how this one started and how Anna and Marco meet. I loved seeing them come together. I also loved how innocent Anna was and how they both embraced each other and their inner nerd.

I loved Marco from the start!

Overall, this was shocked me as I was not expecting to love it as much as I did.

“I had a tendency to do that—to get fixated on something I wanted and if it didn’t go the way I’d planned it in my head, then I didn’t always cope so well with the outcome.”

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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Five Stages of Falling in Love by Rachel Higginson

The Five Stages of Falling in LoveThe Five Stages of Falling in Love by Rachel Higginson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a story around loss, the stages of grief, and the hard parts of moving on. This also involves children losing a parent.

This started off strong with the emotions. The whole story will touch your heart, especially the scenes involving the children. We not only see the Mom grieving, but some of the children's as well.

Overall, a very good read.

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Friday, January 5, 2024

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

YellowfaceYellowface by R.F. Kuang
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have been seeing this one everywhere and had no clue what it was about. I was not expecting what happened.

This one started off very strong, and then got a tad slow. It picked up again towards the end. I can see where someone would love this one or hate it. It had a little mystery thrown in which is what kept me reading.

Overall, it was just ok to me.

"But now, I see, author efforts have nothing to do with a book’s success. Bestsellers are chosen. Nothing you do matters. You just get to enjoy the perks along the way."

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Thursday, January 4, 2024

All's Fair in Love and Christmas by Sarah Monzon

All's Fair in Love and ChristmasAll's Fair in Love and Christmas by Sarah Monzon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Do you love workout place romances? This is a great Christmas time read. I picked this up on a road trip when we were going home for Christmas. The story was so cute and so much fun. I just loved the characters and everything going on around them with this one.

This is a clean Christian romance, but do not let that deter you from picking this up. The romance is so cute.

This was my first book from this author and I want to read more now.

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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Other Mistress by Shanora Williams

The Other MistressThe Other Mistress by Shanora Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

Triggers for sexual abuse and infidelity. I went into this one blind and was not sure what to expect. This really starts off as more of a contemporary following some romances and then takes the twists and turns. It was a very easy to read that I got lost in. I almost finished it in one setting (and would have if I did not fall asleep).

I did not like the dual narration as they did not stick to one character each. They each read a chapter and the different voices for the same character did throw me off. I wish they would have read a specific character each.

I figured out the twist pretty early on. I was not a huge fan of some of the ending, but overall this was a fun read.

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