
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Send Down the Rain by Charles Martin: Upcoming New Release with REVIEW

I was sent this book from BookLook Bloggers.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"Allie's second husband is killed tragically when his 18-wheeler crashes into the rocks near their home in Cape San Blas--the tanker was full of fuel and the explosion could be seen on overhead satellites. She'd already lost the beloved waterfront restaurant her parents started and now losing her husband, no matter how unfulfilling their marriage was, might just push her over the edge.

Joseph's time in Vietnam left him with scars that never seemed to heal. No matter how he's tried to love or what he's tried to do since then, he can't pull himself out of the wreckage of his former life. His trust and security shaken, he isolates himself in a cabin. But every morning, he faithfully pours two cups of coffee, drinking his while he sits with the second, and then pouring out the full cup.

It's no small coincidence that Joseph found a mother and her two young children lost in the woods near his cabin. Or that when he helps them return to family in Florida, he's near enough to see that explosion. Near enough to know it's close to home. Near enough to know that his childhood sweetheart needs him.

The years have built so much distance between them, but it's the secrets that may be their final undoing. Send Down the Rain reminds us of the beauty of truth . . . and the power of love to wash away the past."


My Rating: 3.75 Stars

Format: Hardback

Source: Provided

Release Date: May 8, 2018

“Soul-wounds are scars on the inside, etched with permanent ink.”

Ok!  I am guilty!  My close friend has been telling me to read a Charles Martin book forever.  She even gave me a few of her favorites to read, and I just never picked them up.  I ended up giving them back to her.  But, when I saw he had a new release coming out, I thought it would be the perfect time to sit down and give his work a chance. 

Where this story deals with love, loss, forgiveness, secrets, and the hardships during and after the War, this also deals with so much more.  This story is following our main character, Jo Jo.  Along the way, you will meet and learn the stories of so many others including Allie, Bobby, and Catalina.  When this first started, I was a little confused.  However; it will all come together.  Each is facing their own journey and you will read about each with twists and turns along the way.  This story will break your heart and leaving you wondering what is going to happen next.

At times the writing was a little choppy.  The last 3/4th of the book was a little disappointing for me.  It was very repetitive as you hear about the same story over and over again.  Even though a lot still happened, I felt the ending was slow (most stories the beginning or middle will drag a little, but this was the opposite).

Overall, this was still really good and I did enjoy it.  I look forward to reading more from the author in the future.

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