
Monday, April 30, 2018

The Seasonaires by Janna King: Upcoming Release with Review

I was sent this book from the publisher, Pegasus Books.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"For a twentysomething, there is no summer job better than being a seasonaire - No responsibilities, college is barely a thought, and you’re surrounded by glamorous, beautiful people. When life is this intoxicating and seemingly carefree, what could possibly go wrong?

Acclaimed screenwriting talent Janna King makes her fresh and thrilling debut with The Seasonaires. An idyllic Nantucket summer begins like a dream for scrappy Mia from South Boston; Presley, the gorgeous southern beauty queen; Cole, a handsome introvert; Jade, the sultry daughter of a model and music mogul; J.P., the energetic young designer; and Grant, the playful party-boy. These six are working as seasonaires - influential brand ambassadors - for the clothing line Lyndon Wyld. But like all things that look too good to be true, the darkness lurking underneath slowly rises to the surface.

Lyndon Wyld, the chic British tigress who owns the eponymous business, rules their daily life by curating their every move, which the seasonaires are obligated to post on social media for their growing throngs of followers. When corporate greed, professional rivalries and personal conflicts are mixed with sex, drugs, and the naiveté of youth, the results are explosive as the murder that will sully their catalog-perfect lives.


My Rating: 3 Stars

Format: Paperback

Source: Publisher

Release Date: May 2, 2018

Drama, drama, drama! Do you love reality TV? Well, this may just be the book for you. This is about a group of people thrown into a house together to help promote a clothing line. There is sex, drugs, a competitive company, social media and lots of drama! The first 100/200 pages really read like a reality television show for me. I really loved that aspect of the story.

This did involve a murder which you find out in the prologue. I have seen a blurb saying that this case will keep you guessing. I really do not think you want to think that going into this story. This is more of a drama read, then a mystery. There really is not mystery (besides knowing it is coming) until over 200 pages in. It was very slow paced getting to the twist. Once you get to that part, it moves a little too fast and I wish it was spread out more throughout the story.

I think I would have liked this more if it was not listed as a suspense. I think it set it up for failure in that aspect. I still enjoyed it for what it was though.

Overall, this was a pretty good read and I enjoyed the characters. I cannot wait to see what else this author brings in the future as this was her debut novel.

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