
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hello Ya'll

Welcome to!

So, I have decided to start a blog!  I am very excited and nervous at the same time, but wanted a place to be able to share my opinions and reviews on different topics such as product reviews, beauty items, subscription boxes, books, and more!

A little about myself....My name is Kelly and I am 31 years old.  Kelina is the Italian name my grandparents used for me when I was younger, and even though I do not use it often, I love it.  I grew up in Northern Michigan, but eight years ago I moved to South GA.  So yes, you will get some northern slang and southern slang in my blog :).

I am a social worker by day, and a shopaholic by night.  If I am not at work, you will find me shopping in town or online.  I love trying new things, but I also stick to who I am.  I am who I am, like it or not.  I am pretty simple and to the point.  I will always be honest with my reviews, as I tell it how it is.  I am a little nervous about the blog for this reason, as my writing style is also simple and to the point.  I have a hard time with adding "fluff".

I was really into hair and makeup when I was younger, but as I got older it kinda fizzled out for a while.  With my upcoming wedding, I knew I needed new makeup and I had to start playing with different looks for the big day.  I started shopping for new makeup products, bought a few, and really enjoyed testing the new products.  Next came my new found relationship with You Tube.  I started watching beauty blogs and next thing you know, I was obsessed.  I found myself stating to purchase beauty hauls (I will be sharing some of these on my blog), made a makeup room, joined several product review sites, went crazy with ordering beauty subscription boxes, and now here I am!  I am starting my blog!

One more thing you should know about me....I AM CHEAP!  I love a good deal and am always looking for sales.  I will splurge sometimes when I really want something, but I normally stick to bargains.  I will be sharing my successful bargain shopping tips on products as well (Ex: Mally face defender and primer for only $20).

I was thinking about starting a blog only in reference to beauty and makeup, but there is so much more I want to share with everyone than that.  I love to read (when I have time), watch basketball (GOSPURSGO), and shop for anything and everything.

So, what is my blog going to be about??  Mostly this will be a place for reviewing all different types of products, but also I may throw some other stuff into it as well (DIY projects and recipes).

So, I hope you enjoy and follow me as I start this new journey!

Love, Kelly

Please feel to comment below or contact me at for tips or questions

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