
Friday, October 26, 2018

Something Blue (Darcy & Rachel, #2)Something Blue by Emily Giffin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I put this on, and was almost half way through when I realized it was the second book in the Darcy and Rachel story. I decided I was too far into the story to go back and start book one. I just finished this one first.

This was such a fast read as I read it in one sitting. Darcy was pretty unlikable in the beginning, but the story was intriguing enough for me to continue on to find out what happened. I loved Ethan once he entered the story. I love how he Darcy how self-centered she was, and pushed her to be better.

I do feel the story was almost surface level though. The story would jump before really digging into the plot point. I wanted a little more, but still enjoyed it.

Overall, this was cute. I hope reading book one will not make me not enjoy book one as much. I own both, so moving on to book one now!

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