
Friday, October 26, 2018

More Than We Can Tell (Letters to the Lost, #2)More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

1.5 Stars

This was so disappointing. I went into expecting such an amazing story following Rev and his journey. It was not anything like I was hoping it would be.

I do not feel Emma brought anything to the story. She was so unlikable, and I just did not care for any of the parts in which she was involved. Yes, her story covered some important topics but that was taken away with how bratty she was. I could have done without her throughout the whole story.

I was also expecting so much more out of Rev and his story with his father. I was expecting to have this story tear my heart into pieces, but was instead just left unsatisfied.

Overall, I just did not like this one.

View all my reviews

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