
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin: Review

I was sent this book from the publisher.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"Young Jane Young's heroine is Aviva Grossman, an ambitious Congressional intern in Florida who makes the life-changing mistake of having an affair with her boss‑‑who is beloved, admired, successful, and very married‑‑and blogging about it. When the affair comes to light, the Congressman doesn’t take the fall, but Aviva does, and her life is over before it hardly begins. She becomes a late‑night talk show punchline; she is slut‑shamed, labeled as fat and ugly, and considered a blight on politics in general.

How does one go on after this? In Aviva’s case, she sees no way out but to change her name and move to a remote town in Maine. She tries to start over as a wedding planner, to be smarter about her life, and to raise her daughter to be strong and confident. But when, at the urging of others, she decides to run for public office herself, that long‑ago mistake trails her via the Internet like a scarlet A. For in our age, Google guarantees that the past is never, ever, truly past, that everything you’ve done will live on for everyone to know about for all eternity. And it’s only a matter of time until Aviva/Jane’s daughter, Ruby, finds out who her mother was, and is, and must decide whether she can still respect her."


My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Format: Paperback

Source: Publisher

I was not really sure if this was going to be for me, but I had heard great things about it. I ended up really enjoying this one. I actually listened to it on audiobook which I really loved as well.
This story is told in five different parts. I actually enjoyed all five parts. Each section is told from a different persons POV, but all of the characters are connected. The story flows well from part to part. I was not sure if I was going to like this format, but it really worked.
Part five is like a pick your own adventure novel, and I liked that. I wish it was really like that though. However; I still found myself picking my own option which normally followed the flow of what the author was going to pick anyway. I think this was a fun twist to the story.

I am taking off one star for that ending. I feel the story ended with so many more questions.

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