
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Look For Me by Lisa Gardner: Upcoming Release FEB 6th plus REVIEW

I was sent this book from the author/publisher.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"In #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner's latest twisty thrill ride, Detective D. D. Warren and Find Her's Flora Dane return in a race against the clock to either save a young girl's life . . . or bring her to justice.

The home of a family of five is now a crime scene: four of them savagely murdered, one—a sixteen-year-old girl—missing. Was she lucky to have escaped? Or is her absence evidence of something sinister? Detective D. D. Warren is on the case—but so is survivor-turned-avenger Flora Dane. Seeking different types of justice, they must make sense of the clues left behind by a young woman who, whether as victim or suspect, is silently pleading, Look for me."


My Rating: 3.75 Stars

Format: Paperback

Source: Author

Release Date: Feb 6th 2018

I read my first Lisa Gardner book last year and loved it. She was an author I really wanted to read more of this year, so I was really excited to get a chance to review Look For Me. This started off really intense, and I knew I was not going to want to put it down.

This starts off with several different characters and their stories. I really enjoyed all three stories, and I could not decide who I wanted to read more about first. I will say as you get to know Flora, Roxy, and Sarah your heart will break for each of them. It was really sad to see what happened to our characters. I like how they are all intertwined into the mystery surrounding finding Roxy. There was only tiny glimpses into what happened to Flora and Sarah and I wanted more of their stories. I know this is the 9th book in the Detective D.D. Warren series, so I am not sure if any of the books follow their stories in more detail. If they do, I know I want to read them too.

I also enjoyed how most of Roxy’s story is told through an essay she wrote for school. I do not want to say much more about that, but the story of her life is very emotional and sad.

This will leave you guessing and asking out loud, “what is happening?” There were so many times I thought I had something figured out just for the next twist to be unveiled.

I loved the writing and descriptions. The scene when the children were found and how they were found killed me. It is little details like that though that really make a great story, and Lisa Gardner is great at the details.

The one thing I have seen in both books I have read by this author that I am not a fan of is the repeating of information. This happened a lot in this story, and I found myself skimming these sections as the events continued to repeat as things unfolded. I could do without all the recaps on the case. 

Overall, I am not normally a huge fan of detective stories, but I really enjoy Lisa Gardner and her style! I am loving her work and cannot wait for more.

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