
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Lady of Sherwood by Molly Bilinski: Book Review

I was sent a copy of Lady of Sherwood from Clean Teen publishing.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"Robin of Lockesly was neither the son her father wanted, nor the daughter her mother expected. When she refuses an arranged marriage to a harsh and cruel knight, the deadly events that follow change her destiny forever.

After a night of tragedy, Robin and the few remaining survivors flee to Nottingham. With a newfound anonymity, they start to live different lives. There, she and her band make mischief, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. But charity isn’t the only thing she wants—she wants revenge.

As the sheriff draws his net closer, Robin’s choices begin to haunt her. She’ll have to choose between what’s lawful and what her conscience believes is right—all while staying one step ahead of the hangman."


My Rating: 2.5 Stars

Format: Paperback

Photo Source: Goodreads/Own

I was sent a copy of Lady of Sherwood from Clean Teen publishing.

“Straight and true as your arrow flies, so is your love for that boy.”

This starts off with a bang! This is a female retelling of Robin Hood which I was very excited for and started to read the day it came in the mail. I read this in only one sitting. It was action packed and very fast paced. I was not the biggest fan of the writing style, but the storyline kept me intrigued. Every time I thought it may not be for me, something else made me want to keep reading. This starts off with a forbidden love, a villain, and an arranged marriage gone wrong. I can appreciate that so much happens so quickly, as this is what I prefer in a story to get me hooked.

This did have a little sexy time in it, which caught me off guard. There was nothing too intense, but enough to mention a sex scene if you have a younger reader wanting to read this (it mentions very little detail).

The writing jumped from one thing to another very quickly. There was not much description on certain parts of the story that I would have liked more in depth details on. For example, the massacre at the manor left little details about what happened and the story just moved on from there.

Overall, I enjoyed this and flew through it. If you love Robin Hood and retellings I recommend giving it a try.

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