
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Him by Carey Heywood

Him (Him & Her, #1)Him by Carey Heywood
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This was a love story that jumps between present and the past. This is also a love story that does revolve around miscommunication. It was a sweet story, but there was just too much that was driving me crazy.

It has been seven years since Sarah and Will have seen each other. I found it odd that Will is best friends with her brother and was around her family all these years, but Sarah had no idea. Her family has no clue what happened between the two and she just disappeared. It would have been ok if they were around people they were not close too, but this was her family (including the brother who she was really close with as a teen). It just annoyed me.

Sarah was very unlikeable to me. She was stuck in her past and held onto high school way too much. I found myself rolling my eyes so many times.

This one just did not work for me. Will bit his lower lip so many times that again I found myself rolling my eyes and annoyed. I only finished since I was flying through it.

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