
Sunday, October 7, 2018

ScytheScythe by Neal Shusterman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

This is a book that everyone has been talking about, but I was really hesitant to pick it up. If you follow me, you know that I rarely grab for Fantasy or Science Fiction. I went into this with low expectations and thinking I would DNF. I was wrong.

If you want to read a story that will make you think, will make you angry, and keep your interest then I recommend giving this a try. There is a love story and a mystery also intertwined into the story which just added to why I enjoyed this so much. Even if you are not a fan of fantasy and science fiction, I recommend picking this up. I was intrigued from the beginning and the next thing I knew I was almost 200 pages in. There were times I was mad, times my jaw was dropping, and times my heart was hurting. I even shed a some tears. It really makes you think about death and what would happen in a world where death is nonexistence.

I feel everything was summed up really well, so I am interested in the story book two will follow. Let me know if I should continue on with the series?

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