
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Good Me, Bad MeGood Me, Bad Me by Ali Land
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This story was so disturbing and had so much potential. However; it fell a little short for me.
This does have triggers for abuse (physical and sexual), bullying, and child murder.

The parts around Milly and her past were thrilling. I wanted to know more and the more you learn the more disturbing it becomes. However; then you jump back to a game of mean girls at school and it just took away from the story. I was so bored with the foster family stuff in the first half of the book. Yes, there is mean girls, pranks, cheating, and scandals, but they were nothing that caught my attention. I just wanted to know more around the murders and what Milly went through. The second half did start to pick up a little. Everything does come together in the end. I predicted what was going to happen in the end, but there were still some twists I did not predict. I ended up skimming the first half to find out what happened.

I also did not love the ending. Overall, this was only ok.

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