
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Always Never Yours by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka: New Release with Review

I was sent this book from the publisher, Penguin Teen.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review.

"Megan Harper is the girl before. All her exes find their one true love right after dating her. It’s not a curse or anything, it’s just the way things are, and Megan refuses to waste time feeling sorry for herself. Instead, she focuses on pursuing her next fling, directing theatre, and fulfilling her dream school’s acting requirement in the smallest role possible.

But her plans quickly crumble when she’s cast as none other than Juliet–yes, that Juliet–in her high school’s production. It’s a nightmare. No–a disaster. Megan’s not an actress and she’s certainly not a Juliet. Then she meets Owen Okita, an aspiring playwright who agrees to help Megan catch the eye of a sexy stagehand in exchange for help writing his new script.

Between rehearsals and contending with her divided family, Megan begins to notice Owen–thoughtful, unconventional, and utterly unlike her exes, and wonders: shouldn’t a girl get to play the lead in her own love story?"



My Rating: 4 Stars

Format: Paperback

Source: Publisher

Release Date: May 22, 2018

If you love sweet, funny, and fluffy contemporaries then you need to pick up Always Never More.  I was intrigued as soon as I saw this, and when I saw it deals with the trope of never being the one to find love, I knew I wanted to read it.

This story deals with so much more than high school love.  This is a story about Megan finding the value in herself and to stop giving up on herself.  Megan blames herself for the horrible things that have happened to her when it comes to her dating life.  She fails to see her worth, and through an amazing friendship begins to value herself again.
Megan is also dealing with adjusting to her parents divorcing and building new families.  She is struggling in where she fits in with both her Mom and Dad and their new lives.  Megan will be leaving for college soon, and feels like she is going to be left behind.  I love how you also get to see her parents grow and work together for their love of their daughter.

I loved how realistic Megan and her story were.  I know some people may not like this, but I really do feel it was true to my experiences when I was in high school.  Best friends, cheating, jumping from one guy to another (better yet, falling in love with one guy after the other) were all things that really did happen when you were younger (for most people).  I think you need to remember that when going into the story.  (This book does deal with cheating and underage sex).

Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare also play a large part within the plot of this story.  Even if you do not love theater, I think you will enjoy this.  The back of the book talks about the authors and how they met in high school and fell in love over Shakespeare.  I think that knowing this, just made this story even more special.

Overall, I really enjoyed this and I recommend it.

About the Author

Austin and Emily met in high school and fell in love over a shared love of Shakespeare. Austin went on to study English at Harvard so he could continue to impress Emily with his literary analysis, while Emily studied adolescent psychology at Princeton. They live in Los Angeles, where they've combined their interests and decided to write stories of high school, literature and first love.

Make sure you check out some of the other stops on this tour and to see some fun posts around Always Never More!

May 7Lindseyybooks – Review
May 8Just Commonly – Author Guest Post: Favorite Classics that inspires your writing
May 9BookCrushin – Creative
May 10 Lacy Literacy – Playlist
May 11Books and Blends – Review

May 14 YA Books Central – Author Guest Post: Who would they Fancast/Dreamcast if their book was turned into a movie?
May 15Finding Wonderland – Creative Instagram Post
May 16Bookish Things & More – Playlist
May 17The Review Room – Moodboard
May 18Just Reading It – Review

May 21The Fandom – Review
May 22Riddle’s Reviews – Author Guest Post: Summer Reading Essentials
May 23Book Briefs – Review
May 24 Passionately Perusing – Listicle: Top 5 characters from other books that could cast as Juliet.
May 25Pop! Goes the Reader – 2018 debut list + Author Guest Post: pros and cons of a high school romance from the perspective of high school sweethearts

May 28Belle’s Archive – Review + Playlist + Fancasting Characters
May 29Simply Kelina – Review + Instagram Post
May 30The Blonde Bookworm – Review
May 31Snowandbooks – Review + Author Guest Post: What do you think your character, Megan, would have to say about you?

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