
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rounding Third: Release Day Blitz

Rounding Third Tour Banner

Release Day Blitz ~ Rounding Third: A Baseball Anthology Author: Lynsey M. Stewart and More Genre: Romance Dates: 13th of March Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours Rounding Third
Blurb: Baseball is a game built on the number nine. Nine innings of play. Nine fielding positions. Nine batters in a starting lineup. Now, America’s favorite pastime can add another lucky number nine to the list. Nine indie authors bring you nine unique stories filled with romance and baseball. Get ready to round third base, slide into home and fall in love. ↓Buy Links↓ Author Bio: Lynsey Author Pic.png
Lynsey M. Stewart is a UK based writer. She lives with her husband, also known as her soulmate and muse, along with their gorgeous, precious, ridiculously independent baby girl. Lynsey began writing after being inspired by great books, amazing writers and wonderful stories that left their fingerprints on her heart. Lynsey's background revolves around helping, advocating and supporting children, young people, and their families. Her Monday morning mantra is: ‘If no one likes my books, I can always continue with the day job…’ To find out more about Lynsey M Stewart you can visit her at: website logo510c2-addtogoodreadse93b9-amazon-buttonimagesdownload (6) GIVEAWAY Giveaway LINK: UFB ~ Banner 2017

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