
Friday, March 30, 2018

A Most Noble Heir by Susan Anne Mason: Review

I was sent this book from Bethany House.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"When stable hand Nolan Price learns from his dying mother that he is actually the son of the Earl of Stainsby, his plans for a future with kitchen maid Hannah Burnham are shattered. Once he is officially acknowledged as the earl's heir, Nolan will be forbidden to marry beneath his station.

Unwilling to give up the girl he loves, he devises a plan to elope--believing that once their marriage is sanctioned by God, Lord Stainsby will be forced to accept their union. However, as Nolan struggles to learn the ways of the aristocracy, he finds himself caught between pleasing Hannah and living up to his father's demanding expectations.

At every turn, forces work to keep the couple apart, and a solution to remain together seems further and further away. With Nolan's new life pulling him irrevocably away from the woman he loves, it seems only a miracle will bring them back together."


My Rating: 4 Stars

Format: Paperback

Source: Provided

Release Date: March 6, 2018

Every once in a while, I love to grab for a book that I would not normally see myself grabbing for.  Sometimes it will pay off, and other times it will be bust.  This is one of those books that does not like most others I grab for, but I ended up loving it.  I love when a book surprises me and this did just that!

This was my first book by Susan Anne Mason.  The synopsis on this just sounded like something I would enjoy, so I was excited when it showed up at my door.  I kept putting off picking it up though, but when I finally did I ended up reading it in one sitting.  I personally loved the story and the characters.  I liked the push and pull to the relationship, and wondering if they will end up together.

I ended up really enjoying this and want to read more from the author!
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