
Saturday, February 24, 2018

This Heart of Mine by C.C. Hunter-Coming 2/27: REVIEW

I was sent this book from the publisher.  My ratings and reviews will be my own personal opinions and are in no way influenced by publishers or authors who may have sent me books to review. 


"A new heart saved her life—but will it help her find out what really happened to its donor?

Seventeen-year-old Leah MacKenzie is heartless. An artificial heart in a backpack is keeping her alive. However, this route only offers her a few years. And with her rare blood type, a transplant isn’t likely. Living like you are dying isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But when a heart becomes available, she’s given a second chance at life. Except Leah discovers who the donor was — a boy from her school — and they’re saying he killed himself. Plagued with dreams since the transplant, she realizes she may hold the clues to what really happened.

Matt refuses to believe his twin killed himself. When Leah seeks him out, he learns they are both having similar dreams and he’s certain it means something. While unraveling the secrets of his brother’s final moments, Leah and Matt find each other, and a love they are terrified to lose. But life and even new hearts don’t come with guarantees. Who knew living, took more courage than dying?

This Heart of Mine is a haunting, poignant tale about living and dying, surviving grief, guilt, and heartache, while discovering love and hope in the midst of sadness."


My Rating: 4 Stars

Format: Paperback

Source: Publisher

Release Date: February 27. 2018

I really enjoyed the Shadow Falls series by CC Hunter, and was excited to see what she did with This Heart of Mine. All I can say is make sure you have some tissues with you when you start reading this! What more can you ask for as this has romance, loss, survival, and mystery all in one.

This book starts off with three characters. Leah caught a virus which caused Myocarditis. She now has to carry around an artificial heart in a backpack to survive. Matt and Eric are dealing with the loss of his father who was a soldier. Someone dies and someone survives, but there is so much more to it than that! I thought I predicted what was going to happen by page 13, but this story takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions to learn what really happened.

I really love CC Hunters writing. She has the ability to pull you into her stories right from the start. Some authors will grab you with the prologue and then it goes down from there. But not CC Hunter. From the prologue to the first chapter and I was hooked.

Overall, I really enjoyed this and highly recommend you pick up once it is released.

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