
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Pretender AND Pit of Ambition by Ta'Mara Hanscom: REVIEW

Ta'Mara has published her Caselli Family series before, but she is now relaunching the series starting with The Pretender and Pit of Ambition!  Join this super fun blog tour and find out more about the first two books (of five). Also, make sure you check out the great giveaway!

About the Books

The Pretender: A Blackguard in Disguise is the first volume of 5 in the family epic series The Caselli Family Series. It begins in South Dakota in 1975 where eighteen-year-olds could order 3.2 beers in a bar and loaded guns were kept under the counter. Frankie Valli sang My Eyes Adored You, and American soldiers returning from Vietnam struggled with their new reality.
It’s within this tumultuous season of American history that Tillie Caselli meets Noah Hansen, and they are never the same again. Their lives were mysteriously intertwined – and had been for many years – yet they had no idea.
From the moment they met, Tillie and Noah wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, but a deliberate omission will keep them apart – and that same omission will be responsible for the escape of a murderer, and a bride’s deception.
These compelling stories are interwoven with Biblical truths and light-hearted, real life events from the author’s own past. Easy to understand and relate to, as well as encouraging.

Pit of Ambition is the second volume of 5 in the family epic series The Caselli Family Series.
Five years have passed since Noah and Tillie’s “chance” meeting. They’ve married other people by now, and are both beginning their families.
In the pursuit of professional and political success, Alex runs headlong into a pit of pride and ambition...and Giuseppe begins to hate the husband he chose for his daughter.
Alex and Noah are doing business on many fronts, which will bring Noah to town for an unintended meeting with Giuseppe. Tension abounds as he attempts to conceal his daughter’s identity from Noah.
Alex strays when Tillie needs him the most, and it’s Noah who will bring him home. But, instead of learning Tillie’s identity, he connects with her brothers, especially Marquette.
Unbeknownst to Noah, his new foreman is a member of the crime family Marquette has sought since 1968.

About the Author

I was born and raised in South Dakota, and I love her people and rich history. For many years I’ve also had a deep love for Italy and her colorful chronology. I was fortunate enough to visit Italy on my 25th wedding anniversary, and I added some of the details of my travels to my fictional series The Caselli Family Series.
My favorite sport is baseball – Detroit Tigers – and I can’t wait until the next time I get to see them play in Comerica Park.
I live for the next family barbeque.
My husband and I own a national pizza franchise in Iowa, where we currently reside. We have three grown children and one grandson. We’ve rescued two cats and one Pomeranian.
I teach AWANA Cubbies and speak at women’s events.


Ta’Mara is generously offering a $50 Amazon gift card! There are many different ways in the Rafflecopter to enter. The more you choose, the better chance you have of winning.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


My Rating: 4 Stars
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher

“No Angel. Love is never an accident. It is a choice.”

I had it set in my mind that I was going to start this and DNF. Next thing you know, I am almost 100 pages in. Once you start this, you will not want to put it down. I actually put it down to go to sleep, and the next thing you know I am awake and continued to read.

I absolutely loved the first half of this book, and based on that I would give this 5 stars. I love the characters and I love the story behind the characters. Noah’s past and grief really helps pull you in right away. I love that this had me interested by chapter one.

However; the middle of book got a little slow for me. I wanted more of Noah and Angel together/their relationship. You get a lot of storyline around Angel and her brothers/family. I just was not as invested into this side of the story. I found myself skimming sections to read more about Noah and Angel.

I was pretty sure I knew how this would end, but I was totally wrong. This is definitely not your typical bad boy falls for a good girl who helps save him read.

Let’s talk about that ending!? There are so many storylines that have not wrapped up! I need to know what happens with Noah and Angel! I need book two!

Overall, this surprised me. I do wish it would have stayed in the direction of focusing on the main characters as I truly fell in love with them both. Great and quick read though.
This is book two in the Caselli Family series and continues to follow the lives of both Angel and Noah. I only read book one a few months ago, and I did not realize how much I missed these characters. I was ready to find out what happens with them and if they ever find one another again.

The author did a great job summarizing book one which helped me quickly get back into this story. I still would recommend starting with book one, as I think you would fall in love and understand the characters and their relationship much more.

Book two focuses more on Angel and Noah which I loved. There was other storylines going on, but I liked how they seemed to all intertwine more in book two than they did in book one. This also actually takes place within a span of over eleven years, so the plot is very fast paced as years pass quickly.

There were many emotional parts to this story that will leave you heartbroken. You get to see Giuseppe dealing with the internal guilt of a decision he and Rosa made in regards to Noah and Angel. There is also new life and death that also plays important roles within the story. Some events happened very quickly, which did take some of the emotional effect away but I still really enjoyed it.

This again left me with so many questions! I am still routing for Noah and Angel and I now need book three! Overall, I am in love with Noah and Angel and need more.

Tour Schedule

February 26
Bookish Orchestration – Introductory post
Rachel Rossano's Words – Author Interview
Adventures in Publishing – Author Interview
Rebekah Lyn Books – Book Review and Character Spotlight

February 27
Simply Kelina – Book Review
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima – Character Spotlight

February 28
Little Homeschool on the Prairie – Book Spotlight
Seasons of Opportunities – Book Review
Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – Book Review

March 1
Moments – Book Spotlight 
Reader's Cozy Corner – Book Review

Fiction to Ignite Your Faith – Post from the author
March 2
New Horizon Reviews – Book Review
God's Peculiar Treasure Rae – Book Review
Adventures Of A King Daughter – Book Review

March 3
Bookish Orchestrations – Giveaway Winner