
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Isle of Savages by T. Briar: Book Tour

Isle of Savages
T. Briar

Genre: New Adult Action Suspense Thriller

Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing

Date of Publication: June 13, 2017

eBook ISBN: 978-1-77127-926-0
ASIN: B07195LTB8

Number of pages: 220
Word Count: 59,400 words

Cover Artist: Eerilyfair Design

Tagline: Eleven souls are shipwrecked on an island teeming with sub-human cannibals. Who will survive to tell the tale?

Book Description:

On July 20, 20— a charter school’s sponsored sail from San Diego to Hawaii hits a reef during a violent storm. Sixteen souls abandon ship. Nine students, along with the hated captain and first mate, wash up on what they believe is a deserted island.
Separated into three groups by circumstance and mutual distrust, treachery and death lurks for all. Over the course of a single day, one student betrays all the others. Another drowns. Two others get ambushed by a great white shark. And, like falling dominoes, the captain, first mate, and six students fall prey to a tribe of bloodthirsty cannibals.

In the face of almost certain death, who will escape from the isle of savages to tell the tale?

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Deal Sharing Aunt Interview

Where are you from?
South Georgia. Where the mosquitoes are almost as big as the rattlesnakes and cottonmouths. Got a few panthers in the area too. Haven’t seen any bears yet, though I’ve heard a couple have been sighted passing through.

Tell us your latest news?

The release of Isle of Savages! Only waited a little over a year. I can hardly believe it’s finally published. It’s coming out in print too. My first. Can life get any better? I don’t think so.

When and why did you begin writing?

Wrote sporadically as a pre-teen, wrote sporadically as a teen, and I wrote sporadically as a new adult. Finally got down to business in earnest when I turned twenty-three. Some years have passed since then, but this is still the most fascinating job I’ve ever had.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

It took me a few books. Don’t really know why. Maybe it was because with each new book published, I could see how much progress I was making in the writing. It’s always been about improving the writing for me. That’s the most important thing of all.

What inspired you to write your first book?

Always wanted to and just thought I could.

Do you have a specific writing style?

Suspenseful. Should there be any other kind? For the record, I don’t think so. At least not for me.

How did you come up with the title?

The working title for Isle of Savages was The Survivors. Somewhere around the middle of the book it finally dawned on me that since the story is about a group of kids trying to survive an island teeming with bloodthirsty savages, it was the more appropriate title. Now that I look back on it, I should have thought of it first.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Certainly not. I was preached to enough growing up that if I never hear another sermon it will be too soon. Besides, I didn’t start writing to get into the preaching business. I simply want to entertain readers. Nothing more.

How much of the book is realistic?

It’s a work of fiction. There’s not a shred of truth to it. Nor did I base it on anything factual. Neither did I borrow any elements from any living or dead person’s story. I made it all up on my own.

However, having said that, human nature hasn’t changed in thousands of years. Nor do I believe it will ever change. People are just people. Some are innately good, always wanting to help others and never do anyone harm. While others are just plain horrible, always looking for an opportunity to exploit everyone else for personal gain.

As for the savages, who can really say with any authority what’s out there yet to be discovered? I like to think that they could exist, somewhere in world.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Maybe the very beginning of the story when Eric first wakes up. See, I have personally experienced waking up laying face-down in the dirt, disoriented, hurting beyond belief, while also struggling for every breath. But hey, on the plus side, I didn’t die or suffer any long-term injuries from that accident.

What would you like my readers to know?

If you decide to step onto the Isle of Savages, tread cautiously. Or there will be savages coming for you. And though they are small as children, they’re cunning, fast, and immensely strong. Oh yeah, watch out for the captain and first mate too. They will want to sell you to slavers, if they don’t kill you first.

About the Author:

Always striving for pulse-pounding action, sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat suspense, and hair-raising thrills, T. Briar’s mainstream thriller writing places courageous heroes and heroines in the fight of their lives against the elements, hostile surroundings, morally bankrupt villains, and any other obstacles T. can think of.

But be warned, once the wheels are set into motion with the first sentence, it’s a twisting, turning journey to the end to see who lives and who dies. And make no mistake, someone’s going to die. Some will even die badly. That’s just the way it is when fighting for survival under perilous conditions. The only question is: Will it be the heroes and heroines, or the villains?

T. Briar’s target audience is New Adults who boldly step up to meet life’s challenges with the confidence of youth urging them on.

Please checkout T. Briar’s page at to find out more about T. and his thriller writings.

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