
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Her Wounded Dragon with Excerpt: Book Tour Spotlight

Her Wounded Dragon
The MacLomain Series
Viking Ancestors’ Kin Book 4.5
Milly Taiden’s PDA Kindle World
Sky Purington     

Genre:  Fantasy/Paranormal/Shifter Romance

Date of Publication:  June 1’st, 2017

Number of pages: 140
Word Count:  32,000

Cover Artist:  Tara West

Book Description:

Curiosity is a dangerous thing and temptation a death wish. Especially for someone like Vivienne with her complicated past and closely guarded secrets. Yet when she has a chance to get near the enemy because of a sexy dragon shifter haunting her dreams, she doesn’t think twice. Even if it means seeking out a paranormal dating agency and tagging along incognito to scope him out as her best friend goes on a date with him.

Kage knows within minutes of meeting Vivienne that she isn’t who she pretends to be. As the right hand man of the enemy, it’s his job to figure out if she’s a threat. More so, if she’s a risk to his hidden agenda and well laid plans. Soon enough, he realizes the only danger she poses is to his hardened heart. After all, there’s no defense against the scorching desire dragons feel when they find their long lost mate.

Excerpt 2 (less spicy)

Julie, the one who had contacted Gerri about finding a date, was an attractive redhead. Beautiful most might say if they were of a mind to better appreciate her. And he would. After a few more cupcakes. Right now he was still recovering. The other, Julie’s assistant, Vivienne, was a mousy blond with thick tinted glasses and a bad slump.
Yet there was something about her that seemed…off.
He inhaled and detected no scent outside the usual female interest. He saw red and looked through his dragon eyes. Nothing there either. All he could detect was synthetic hair. So she wore a wig. Many women did on occasion. At least in his clandestine circles. 
But this wasn’t one of his clandestine circles.
“Julie, meet Kage,” Gerri cut into his thoughts. “He’s currently a Navy pilot.”
Yeah, only because he couldn’t spread his own wings and fly.
Until then, an F/A-18 Super Hornet would have to do.
“Kage, meet Julie,” Gerri continued, that same glint of amusement still in her eyes. “She runs her own P.I. business.”
He did his best not to choke on his cupcake. Julie, with her thundering heart and flushed skin, was no private investigator. Not based on her noticeable reaction to him. But Vivienne? His eyes slid her way. Now there was a steady, practiced heart rate. There was someone barely breaking a sweat despite that uncomfortable wig and bulky wool suit.
When the oven buzzer went off in the kitchen, Gerri smiled. “Ah, the vanilla cupcakes are done.” She stood and looked at Julie. “Mind helping me get them out of the oven? It’ll only take a moment.”
Shouldn’t she be asking Vivienne? The one he wasn’t here to meet?
“Of course, vanilla’s my favorite,” Julie chirped and leapt up so quickly Kage knew she wanted to be here about as much as he did. So what was the deal? Was she swindled into this too?
Or did this go deeper?
He had spent half his life looking over his shoulder, so he had a pretty good eye for deception. A masterful eye, some might say. His gaze slid back to Vivienne. She hadn’t spoken once. Maybe it was time she did.
“So what made you decide to come along with your boss to a dating agency, Vivienne?”
He liked the feel of her name on his tongue.
He focused on her lips as she licked them quickly and murmured, “Moral support.”
“Ah,” he whispered, his gaze still lingering on those full, lipstick-free pouty lips. They were about the only thing she hadn’t been able to hide. Because she was trying to hide, wasn’t she?
Let’s see if he could rattle her.
“So I assume Julie knows I’m a shifter or she wouldn’t have reached out to Gerri for a date.” He perked a brow. “It’s not every day a girl’s interested in meeting a dragon.” He lowered his voice in light-hearted warning. “After all, we run a little aggressive in the bedroom.”
Vivienne swallowed, her voice suddenly husky. “I’m sure Julie knows what she’s doing.”
“But do you?” he nearly said as a slow grin crept onto his face. She liked what she heard. Yet there was still no scent of arousal. Strange. And telling. 

This woman definitely wasn’t who she pretended to be.

About the Author:

Sky Purington is the bestselling author of over twenty-five novels and several novellas. A New Englander born and bred, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth and legend. When combined with a love for nature, romance and time-travel, elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books.

Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at Interested in keeping up with Sky’s latest news and releases? Visit Sky's website, to download her free App on iTunes and Android or sign up for her quarterly newsletter. Love social networking? Find Sky on Facebook and Twitter.


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring Her Wounded Dragon! :-)

    Sky Purington
