
Friday, January 16, 2015

Lemon Oil and Peppermint Oil - 100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil Review With Coconut Carrier Oil

I have talked about this before, but I really do love essential oils!  Check this out...

What is it?Lemon Oil and Peppermint Oil
Coconut Carrier Oil

What it costs?
Essential Oil-Lemon can be purchased for $18.50 from Amazon, here.
Essential Oil-Peppermint can be purchased for $18.50 from Amazon, here.
Coconut Oil can be purchased for $16.50 from Amazon, here.

I love essential oils, and peppermint is my favorite! I always have it on hand, and even care some in my purse. You can use this for so many different things, but I love using this for headaches. I put a little on my temples and the back of my neck and instantly feel better. If you have not tried this, I do recommend it.

I love using my lemon oil in a homemade cleaner! Just add some water, baking soda, and a few drops of essential oil lemon and you are ready to go. It smells so good and really helps with making my house smell fresh! I also love using orange!

I love that this comes with a dropper so you do not have to worry about using too much! You only need a few drops when you are working the essential oils!

Coconut Oil is a great carried for essential oils.  Mix your favorite oils with this oil to ensure it is safe for your face and skin.

Thank you to Majestic Pure and Skinology for these amazing products! 

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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