
Saturday, September 27, 2014

First Smiley Review-ChapStick Hydration Lock

Chapstick....How boring right?  Not really!!!  I love ChapStick and I am always losing them, so the more the better.  I was given the opportunity to review the new ChapStick Duel Moisture and Renew Hydration lock.

I really do not see the difference on my lips when using the moisturizing or renew side, but both still work great and leave my lips soft and moisturized.  I really like putting this on in the morning and also when I go to bed.

This new ChapStick runs for around the $6 on Amazon, which is a little on the higher end for a ChapStick product.  Follow this link for a 50 cent off coupon

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using  Regardless, I always provide my honest opinion on all products, and only recommend products or services I truly would use or recommend for myself to my readers.

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