
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Ties That Tether by Jane Igharo

Ties That TetherTies That Tether by Jane Igharo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I know there were mixed reviews on this one, but I still wanted to give it a try. I am glad that I did as I really enjoyed this one. I am excited to see what else this author brings us if this is her debut.
This does have triggers for loss in several forms. I knew this going in. I personally did not feel it was used as a plot twist, but it was a large part of the story. Azere is dealing with the loss of her father and the promise she made when he was dying. Rafael is dealing with the loss of his wife and child.

I really liked the cultural aspect to this story. You get to see and learn more around Nigerian culture.

SPOILER: Azere is pregnant after a one night stand. I personally had no issues with this and how everything happened around it. I have struggled with infertility for years and some reads can be a lot for me when dealing with this. To me, this was just dealing with a pregnancy with someone she did not know and is now getting to know. Rafael is dealing with the loss of his child from his deceased wife. This was very little of the story as far as details. He provides information at the very end. I will not spoil what happened, but it was not what I was expecting. There does end up being some trauma with Azere and her own pregnancy at the end as well.

Overall, I actually really liked this one.

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Monday, January 18, 2021

Forgetting August by J.L. Berg

Forgetting August (Lost & Found, #1)Forgetting August by J.L. Berg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

I love a good contemporary. This one hits on some pretty intense issues which I loved. I was not expecting everything that happened between August and Everly from the start.

This does touch the topic around domestic violence and emotional abuse. I really shows the side of DV that is not as prevalent since it did not focus as much on physical abuse but more so emotional/psychological. It also hits on one characters eating disorder. These small sections could also be a trigger for someone.

This does leave off with a cliff hanger, so I am happy to have book two ready to go. Overall, I enjoyed this one.

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