
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Kamila Knows Best by Farah Heron

Kamila Knows BestKamila Knows Best by Farah Heron
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This one started off a little slow for me, but I am really glad I kept going as I fell in love with Kamila and Rohan. The narrator did a great job bringing everything together. I also loved the addition of the sound effects for certain parts like the text chains.
Initially the author made Rohan come off as much older than Kamila. It was almost like he was her dad’s best friend. The talk about his age and his salt and pepper facial hair made it seem like it was going to be a large age gap. It was not as Rohan is only five years older than Kamila.
As I said earlier, this started off a little slow for me. However; I was devouring every scene between Kamila and Rohan and was loving their friendship. They were what kept me reading. I just loved their chemistry and the friends to lovers vibes that we were getting.
I loved the additional culture aspects of the story as well.
Mental health is touched on lightly but never goes into too much detail.
Overall, I really enjoyed this and thought it was super cute.

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Monday, March 14, 2022

The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton

The Perfect GirlfriendThe Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I started this on a road trip and should have stayed with my initial feelings around this one. This started off pretty good, but as soon as the prologue was over, it lost me. This was so slow. There was absolutely nothing happening. I was going to DNF, but listened to so much of everything that I thought something huge was about to happen. However; it just dragged and dragged. It veered off on some side stories that did not bring anything to the main plot and did not add any excitement. I was expecting the ending to blazing, and it was also very tame. The story also just ends. There is really no resolution at all.

I should have stuck with my initial thoughts and DNF this one. Sadly, it was not for me.

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